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英文名:Rat Neurons-hippocampal
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        ScienCell实验室的大鼠海马趾神经元细胞分离于E18大鼠的大脑海马趾组织,原代冻存。冰冻运输或增殖培养后运送。运送前细胞在ScienCell 实验室的神经元培养液中培养2到3天。细胞达到约80%的融合后进行低温运输(在凝胶冰盒中)。它们经检测不含支原体、细菌、酵母菌和真菌。如采用ScienCell 实验室特制的培养基,可保证此神经元在贵实验室中继续生长。

推荐培养基: (NM, Cat. No. 1521 

货号 R1540
产地 美国
缩写 RN-h
规格 1 x 10^6 cells/vial
用途 科研
运输 干冰
保存 液氮
[1] Parent, A. (1996) Neurons in Carpenter's Human Neuroanatomy. 9th ed., pp131-198, Williams & Wilkins, Quebec, Canada. 
[2] Alberts, B., Bray, D., Lewis, J., Raff, M., Roberts, M., Watson, J. D. (1989) Molecular biology of the cell. 2nd. ed., New York: Garland.


Typically for cells seeded at 30,000 cells/cm2 in 96-well plate, how many days of culture is required before the cells form neurites and reach ~70% confluency?


  • Posted by Karishma Shah on Monday, November 2, 2015

    Dear Kelly,

    The Rat Neurons-hippocampal should start forming neurites after 1 day after thawing the cells. The neurons are non-proliferative cells, so the cells will not proliferate. Cells need to be plated at the density you would like them for your experiments as the cells will not proliferate. Thanks!

Posted by Shan May, Thursday, September 17, 2015 on product Rat Neurons-hippocampal


Hi, May I ask if I thaw the cells in a tissue culture flask, can I subsequently trypsinize the cells and seed in 96-well plates for my assay? Thanks!


  • Posted by Karishma Shah on Thursday, September 17, 2015

    Hi Shan,

    Thanks for asking! We recommend you to plate the Rat Neurons-hippocampal directly in 96-well plate that is cell culture treated so the neurons attach to the plate, rather than plating first in a flask and then moving the cells. These cells do not proliferate, so it is best to seed them onto the 96-well immediately after thawing the cells. Thanks!

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