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英文名:Rat Macrophage
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        ScienceCell实验室的Rma-bm提取自成熟大鼠的骨髓中,原代冻存,干冰运输。每管细胞数量超过1x10^6/ml。细胞经F4/80免疫荧光鉴定。该细胞经检测不含支原体, 细菌, 酵母菌和真菌。该细胞不具备增殖能力,故不建议对细胞长期培养和扩增。

推荐培养基:(MaM, Cat. #1921


货号 R1920
产地 美国
缩写 RMa-bm
规格 1 x 10^6 cells/vial
用途 科研
运输 干冰
保存 液氮
Question: 1

What does it mean by expanding and long-term culture? My cells do not look healthy after splitting after the first passage from the original stock tube from ScienCell. 

 Posted by Manoj Sharma on Monday, August 17, 2015  

Expanding means the cells will continue to proliferate and can be passaged to a larger vessel. Rat macrophages do not proliferate and should not be passaged. Please plan your experimental conditions careful before reviving these cells. 

1 Answer 

 My macrophages can't seem to proliferate past P1. The media doesn't seem to be contaminated and I want to stay with these macrophages because they are adherent. Any suggestions?  

Posted by Jenna Gipple, Monday, August 17, 2015 on product Rat Macrophages 

My macrophages can't seem to proliferate past P1. The media doesn't seem to be contaminated and I want to stay with these macrophages because they are adherent. Any suggestions? 

 Posted by Manoj Sharma on Monday, August 17, 2015  

As stated in the product sheet, rat macrophages do not proliferate. Please plan your experiment carefully before reviving these cells.

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