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英文名:Human Schwann Cells
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       雪旺细胞是神经嵴的衍生物,形成了周围神经髓磷脂轴突的髓鞘。它环绕在末梢神经轴突的轴上,沿着轴突节形成一层髓磷脂髓鞘。雪旺细胞对末梢神经的发育、功能和再生起着重要作用。当轴突快死亡时,雪旺细胞环绕其周围帮助消化轴突。连续的雪旺细胞形成一个空的管道,在其尾端形成新的轴突。末梢神经中的雪旺细胞的数量是受到严格调控的。体外增殖受到诸如PDGF, FGF,神经元和其它多肽类生长因子的刺激。雪旺细胞为研究一系列发育问题提供了相对简单、明确、易懂的哺乳动物模型。在研究神经病和神经再生,以及中枢神经系统修复方面,雪旺细胞也具有特殊的临床重要性。

       人雪旺细胞 (HSC)提取于人脊神经组织,原代冻存。每管含有细胞数>5×105 cells/ml,此细胞通过对S-100, GFAP和CD90免疫荧光染色验证,经测试不含有HIV-1、HBV、HCV、支原体、细菌、酵母和真菌。

配套培养基: 雪旺细胞培养基(SCM, Cat. No. 1701)

货号 1700
产地 美国
缩写 HSC
规格 1 x 10^6 cells/vial 
用途 科研
运输 干冰
保存 液氮
1.) Lin, G., Zhang, H., Sun, F., Lu, Z., Reed-Maldonado, A., Lee, Y.C., Wang, G., Banie, L. & Lue, T.F. (2016) Brain-derived neurotrophic factor promotes nerve regeneration by activating the JAK/STAT pathway in Schwann cells Translational Andrology and Urology. 5

2.) Cho YR, Lim JH, Kim MY, Kim TW, Hong BY, Kim YS, Chang YS, Kim HW, Park CW. (2014) 'Therapeutic Effects of Fenofibrate on Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy by Improving Endothelial and Neural Survival in db/db Mice.'

3.) Cho YR, Lim JH, Kim MY, Kim TW, Hong BY, Kim YS, Chang YS, Kim HW, Park CW. (2014) "Therapeutic Effects of Fenofibrate on Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy by Improving Endothelial and Neural Survival in db/db Mice." PloS one. 9: e83204.

4.) Guerreiro LTA, Robottom-Ferreira AB, Ribeiro-Alves M, Toledo-Pinto TG, Brito TR, Rosa PS, Sandoval FG, Jardim MR, Antunes SG, Shannon EJ, Sarno EN, Pessolani MCV, Williams DL, Moraes MO. (2013) "Gene expression profiling specifies chemokine, mitochondrial and lipid metabolism signatures in leprosy." PLoS One. 8: e64748.

5.) Das A, Shergill U, Thakur L, Sinha S, Urrutia R, Mukhopadhyay D, Shah VH. (2013) "Ephrin B2/EphB4 pathway in hepatic stellate cells stimulates Erk-dependent VEGF production and sinusoidal endothelial cell recruitment." Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 298: G908-15.

6.) Ramesh G, Santana-Gould L, Inglis FM, England JD, Philipp MT. (2013) "The Lyme disease spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi induces inflammation and apoptosis in cells from dorsal root ganglia." J Neuroinflammation. 10: 88. 

7.) Stavniichuk R, Obrosov AA, Drel VR, Nadler JL, Obrosova IG, Yorek MA. (2013) '12/15-Lipoxygenase inhibition counteracts MAPK phosphorylation in mouse and cell culture models of diabetic peripheral neuropathy.'

8.) Stavniichuk R, Obrosov AA, Drel VR, Nadler JL, Obrosova IG, Yorek MA. (2013) "12/15-Lipoxygenase inhibition counteracts MAPK phosphorylation in mouse and cell culture models of diabetic peripheral neuropathy." J diabetes mellitus. 3.

9.) Peng J, Wang Y, Zhang L, Zhao B, Zhao Z, Chen J, Guo Q, Liu S, Sui X, Xu W, Lu S. (2011) "Human umbilical cord Wharton's jelly-derived mesenchymal stem cells differentiate into a Schwann-cell phenotype and promote neurite outgrowth in vitro." Brain Res Bull. 84: 235-43.

10.) Ahmad Z, Brown CM, Patel AK, Ryan AF, Ongkeko R, Doherty JK. (2010) "Merlin knockdown in human Schwann cells: clues to vestibular schwannoma tumorigenesis."Otol Neurotol. 31: 460-66. 

11.) Arima Y, Hayashi H, Kamata K, Goto TM, Sasaki M, Kuramochi A, Saya H. (2010) "Decreased expression of neurofibromin contributes to epithelial-mesenchymal transition in neurofibromatosis type 1." Exp Dermatol. 19: e136-41. 

12.) Meyer Zu Horste G, Heidenreich H, Lehmann HC, Ferrone S, Hartung HP, Wiendl H, Kieseier BC. (2010) "Expression of antigen processing and presenting molecules by Schwann cells in inflammatory neuropathies." Glia. 58: 80-92. 

13.) Stavniichuk R, Drel VR, Shevalye H, Vareniuk I, Stevens MJ, Nadler JL, Obrosova IG. (2010) "Role of 12/15-lipoxygenase in nitrosative stress and peripheral prediabetic and diabetic neuropathies." Free Radic Biol Med. 49: 1036-45. 

14.) Suenaga T, Satoh T, Somboonthum P, Kawaguchi Y, Mori Y, Arase H. (2010) "Myelin-associated glycoprotein mediates membrane fusion and entry of neurotropic herpesviruses." Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 107: 866-71. 

15.) Wu H, Chen Y, Wang ZY, Li W, Li JQ, Zhang L, Lu YJ. (2010) "Involvement of p21 (waf1) in merlin deficient sporadic vestibular schwannomas." Neuroscience. 170: 149-55. 

16.) Ahmad ZK, Altuna X, Lopez JP, An Y, Wang-Rodriguez J, Juneja VR, Chen JS, Arandazi MJ, Aguilera J, Harris JP, Ongkeko WM. (2009) "p73 expression and function in vestibular schwannoma." Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 135: 662-69. 

17.) Askwith T, Zeng W, Eggo MC, Stevens MJ. (2009) "Oxidative stress and dysregulation of the taurine transporter in high-glucose-exposed human Schwann cells: implications for pathogenesis of diabetic neuropathy." Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 297: E620-28.

18.) Bodempudi V, Yamoutpoor F, Pan W, Dudek AZ, Esfandyari T, Piedra M, Babovick-Vuksanovic D, Woo RA, Mautner VF, Kluwe L, Clapp DW, De Vries GH, Thomas SL, Kurtz A, Parada LF, Farassati F. (2009) "Ral overactivation in malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors." Mol Cell Biol. 29: 3964-74. 

19.) Stevens MJ, Li F, Drel VR, Abatan OI, Kim H, Burnett D, Larkin D, Obrosova IG. (2007) "Nicotinamide reverses neurological and neurovascular deficits in streptozotocin diabetic rats." Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. 320: 458-64. 

20.) Li F, Drel VR, Szab C, Stevens MJ, Obrosova IG. (2005) "Low-Dose Poly(ADP-Ribose) Polymerase Inhibitor-Containing Combination Therapies Reverse Early Peripheral Diabetic Neuropathy." Diabetes. 54: 1514-22. 

21.) Obrosova IG, Drel VR, Pacher P, Ilnytska O, Wang ZQ, Stevens MJ, Yorek MA. (2005) "Oxidative-nitrosative stress and poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) activation in experimental diabetic neuropathy - The relation is revisited." Diabetes. 54: 3435-41. 

22.)A method to deliver patterned electrical impulses to schwann cells cultured on an artificial axon,Neural Regen Res. 2019 Jun;14(6):1052-1059. doi: 10.4103/1673-5374.250626.


What is the best way you suggest to cryopreserve primary human Schwann cells?
Posted by Karishma Shah on Friday, March 4, 2016
Dear customer,
We do not recommend that customers re-freeze our cells since primary cells are fragile and they may be damaged during re-freeze and re-thaw process.

In the product description, these cells were analyzed by immunofluorescence using antibodies against S100, GFAP, and CD90. Would you be able to provide manufacturer/catalog# for those antibodies? Your protocols for cell preparation and immunofluorescence using those antibodies would be kindly appreciated as well? Thank you
Posted by Manoj Sharma on Thursday, January 14, 2016
Dear Amish,
Here are the antibodies we use for staining #1700 Human Schwann Cells:
1. S-100 beta:
Cat. No. S2532
1:500 dilution
2. GFAP:
Cat. No. G3893
1:1000 dilution
And following is the protocol that we use for staining the cells. 
Immunofluorescence Staining Protocol
a. Fixing the slide
i. Wash each well with 500 μl PBS making sure to add along the side of the well wall.
ii. Add 500 μl 4% PFA (paraformaldehyde) to each well and place at room temperature for 5 minutes.

b. Blocking Solution
i. Wash each well with 500 μl PBS.
ii. The blocking solution consists of 5% NGS (Normal Goat Serum) and 0.1% Triton-X-100 in PBS.
iii. The blocking solution can be made in bulk in a 15mL conical tube and then placed in the wells.
iv. For every 1 ml of PBS add 50 μl of NGS and 10 μl of 10% Triton-X 100. Add 250 μl per well and incubate at room temperature for 1 hour.
c. Primary Antibody
i. Prepare the solution for the primary antibody. This consists of 1% NGS and 1% Triton-X 100 in PBS. For every 1 ml of PBS add 10 μl of NGS and 10 μl of Triton-X 100. This can be made in bulk in a conical tube.
ii. Dilute each primary antibody needed with the necessary dilution factor (depending on the antibody used) and add 250 μl to the appropriate wells. Place the slide in 4°C overnight. Dilutions can be made in 1.5mL microcentrifuge tubes.
iii. If the slide needs be stained on the same day, it can be placed in the 37°C incubator for 2 hours instead of 4°C overnight.
iv. Make sure to note on the Immunocytochemistry form the specific antibody placed in the well.

d. Secondary Antibody
i. Wash the slide 3 times with 500 μl PBS leaving the PBS in the wells 5-7 minutes per rinse.
ii. Dilute each secondary antibody (usually 1:1000 to 1:2000, depending on the intensity) needed with PBS and add 250 μl to the appropriate wells. Incubate at 37°C in the incubator for 45 minutes.
iii. Wash the slide 5 times with 500 μl PBS leaving the PBS in the wells 5-7 minutes per rinse.
iv. The secondary antibody is specific to the primary antibody such as IgG Rabbit or IgG Mouse. The animal it derives from must be the same as the primary antibody.

e. Preparing the slide for microscopic examination
i. Drop about 5-8 μl of mounting medium (DAPI) to a slide, remove cover slips from the well using tweezers and place them over the slide on the mounting medium gently.
ii. Make sure the DAPI covers the entire area of the cover slips.

f. Microscopic Examination
Examine the slides after 20-30 minutes under fluorescence microscope.
Thank you for your interest in ScienCell Products

Has anyone used these cells to look at myelin production? I work with a virus that may disrupt myelination and I was interested in looking at this in primary tissue culture cells. Thanks! Lee
Posted by Manoj Sharma on Thursday, January 7, 2016
Hi Lee,
We do not test for myelin production.
thank you for your interest.

can you send an instruction on how to culture them for a few passages before we can use them for treatments? Thanks, tao
Posted by Karishma Shah on Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Dear Tao, 
Thanks for asking! Culture information is located on the product sheet on the product page under "Technical Resources."
For your convenience, here is the product sheet for #1700: http://sciencellonline.com/downloads/dl/file/id/249/1700.pdf

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