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英文名:Human Microglia
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        小神经胶质细胞存在于中枢神经系统内,是中枢神经系统一个重要的有机组成部分[1]。小神经胶质细胞作为在大脑发育或中枢神经系统受伤或病态损坏时的监控细胞。小神经胶质细胞可以被认为是大脑的主要细胞免疫监视,可呈现抗原分子MHC II级表达式的上下文的cd - 4积极的T细胞,能够被Fc-mediated吞噬,并激活许多共同抗原和造血组织巨噬细胞[2]。小神经胶质细胞在中枢神经系统中扮演着一个重要的角色。此外,有越来越多的证据表明,小神经胶质细胞通过与其他神经元和神经胶质细胞和产生生物活性物质如生长因子、细胞因子、和其他因素[3],参与在大脑中的多种生理和病理过程。

        ScienCell实验室的HM提取自大脑皮层,原代冻存,冰冻运输。每管细胞密度超过1×106/ml。细胞经OX-42(CD11b/c)和F4/80免疫荧光鉴定。本细胞经检测不含HIV-1, HBV, HCV, 支原体, 细菌, 酵母菌和真菌。如采用ScienCell 实验室特制的培养基,可保证此细胞生长良好。HM不推荐增值培养。   



货号 1900
产地 美国
缩写 HM
规格 1 x 10^6 cells/vial
用途 科研
运输 干冰
保存 液氮
1.) El-Hage, N., Rodriguez, M., Dever, S.M., Masvekar, R.R., Gewirtz, D.A. & Shacka, J.J. (2015) HIV-1 and Morphine Regulation of Autophagy in Microglia: Limited Interactions in the Context of HIV-1 Infection and Opioid Abuse J Virol. 89

2.) Yi L, Xiao H, Xu M, Ye X, Hu J, Li F, Li M, Luo C, Yu S, Bian X, Feng H. (2011) "Glioma-initiating cells: A predominant role in microglia/macrophages tropism to glioma." J Neuroimmunol. 232: 75-82.

3.) Kostianovsky AM, Maier LM, Anderson RC, Bruce JN, Anderson DE. (2008) "Astrocytic regulation of human monocytic/microglial activation." J Immunol. 181: 5425-32.

4.) Wang X, Douglas SD, Song L, Wang YJ, Ho WZ. (2008) "Neurokinin-1 receptor antagonist (aprepitant) suppresses HIV-1 infection of microglia/macrophages." J Neuroimmune Pharmacol. 3: 257-64.

5.) Campbell GR, Watkins JD, Singh KK, Loret EP, Spector SA. (2007) "Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Subtype C Tat Fails To Induce Intracellular Calcium Flux and Induces Reduced Tumor Necrosis Factor Production from Monocytes." J Virol. 81: 5919-28.

6.) Sui Z, Sniderhan LF, Schifitto G, Phipps RP, Gelbard HA, Dewhurst S, Maggirwar SB. (2007) "Functional Synergy between CD40 Ligand and HIV-1 Tat Contributes to Inflammation: Implications in HIV Type 1 Dementia." J Immunol. 178: 3226-36.

7.) Cassiani-Ingoni R, Cabral ES, L nemann JD, Garza Z, Magnus T, Gelderblom H, Munson PJ, Marques A, Martin R. (2006) "Borrelia burgdorferi induces TLR1 and TLR2 in human microglia and peripheral blood monocytes but differentially regulates HLA-Class II expression." J Neuropathol Exp Neurol. 65: 540-8.


Dear whom it may concern, I’m wondering whether your microglia express chemokine receptors particularly, CD36, TLR3, TLR4, TLR7. Any finding by you or your customers are valuable for me to use your cells as the model. Thanks, H.Cho
Posted by Manoj Sharma on Monday, January 18, 2016
We do not test for the receptors listed.  
Thank you for your interest in ScienCell products

Hello, Do these human microglia immortalized cells express CD80/86 as normal microglia do when stimulated? Also, are there any publications that utilized this cell line for flow cytometryic analysis? Thanks
Posted by Manoj Sharma on Thursday, January 7, 2016
Hi Leo,
Human microglia provided by ScienCell are primary cells, not immortalized cell lines.
Thank you for your interest

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