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英文名:Rat BMP-2 ELISA Kit
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       Bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2, BMP 2A) belongs to the transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β) superfamily. It is thought to be involved in cartilage and bone formation during embryogenesis, but may have additional functions in morphogenesis as implied by its expression in various organs and embryonic tissues of mice.1 BMP-2 has been identified as a candidate mediator of retinoid activity. BMP-2 protein induces medulloblastoma cell apoptosis, whereas the BMP-2 antagonist noggin blocks both retinoid and BMP-2-induced apoptosis. BMP-2 also induces p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), which is necessary for BMP-2 and retinoid-induced apoptosis.2 Bone morphogenic proteins (BMPs) are known to promote osteogenesis, and clinical trials are currently underway to evaluate the ability of certain BMPs to promote fracture-healing and spinal fusion.3 The standard product used in this kit is recombinant rat BMP-2, constituting a dimer by two chains of 114 amino acids with the molecular mass of 26KDa. ScienCell's rat BMP-2 ELISA Kit is based on standard sandwich enzyme-linked immune-sorbent assay technology. Rat BMP-2 specific-specific monoclonal antibodies are precoated onto 8 x 12 divisible strips. The rat specific detection monoclonal antibodies are biotinylated. The test samples and biotinylated detection antibodies are subsequently added to the wells and then washed with PBS or TBS buffer. Avidin-Biotin-Peroxidase Complex is added and unbound conjugates are washed away with PBS or TBS buffer. HRP substrate TMB is used to visualize HRP enzymatic reaction. TMB is catalyzed by HRP to produce a blue color product that changes into yellow after adding acidic stop solution. The intensity of yellow is proportional to the amount of rat BMP-2 that is captured in the strips.


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Shanghai Zhong Qiao Xin Zhou Biotechnology Co.,Ltd.
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