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英文名:Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Growth Supplement-Animal Component Free 50X
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      StemGS-acf® 50X human pluripotent stem cell growth supplement is a animal component free medium supplement designed for the optimal growth of human pluripotent stem cells in vitro. It is a sterile, concentrated (50X) solution which contains recombinant growth factors, hormones, and proteins. It is made with synthetic, plant-derived components and is free of bovine and other animal-derived components.

      The supplement is formulated (quantitatively and qualitatively) to provide an optimally balanced growth environment that maximally promotes the growth of human pluripotent stem cells in vitro. Use Geltrex™ or BD Matrigel™ for feeder-free culture conditions. StemGS-acf® 50X is designed as an additive for STEMium-acf™ basal medium (Cat. No. 5821) and should be used in conjunction with that medium.

公司简介 / Company profile
Shanghai Zhong Qiao Xin Zhou Biotechnology Co.,Ltd.
联系我们 / Contact
电 话:021-56760357;021-56760351
邮 箱:sales@zqxzbio.com
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地 址:上海市宝山区长江南路180号
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