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英文名:Mouse E-Cadherin ELISA Kit
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       E-Cadherin is also called Cadherin 1(CDH1) or calcium-dependent adhesion protein, epithelial. E-cadherin is a Ca2+-dependent epithelial cell-cell adhesion molecule. Downregulation of E-cadherin expression often correlates with strong invasive potential and poor prognosis of human carcinomas. The gene spans a region of approximately 100 kb, and is located on chromosome 16q22.1. It contains 16 exons and a 65kb-long intron 2. Mutations in E-cadherin may contribute to the development of diffusely growing gastric carcinomas. E-cadherin plays a central part in the process of epithelial morphogenesis and acts as a strong invasion suppressor in experimental tumor cell systems. The standard product used in this kit is recombinant E-Cadherin with a molecular mass of 120kDa. ScienCell's human E-Cadherin ELISA kit is based on standard sandwich enzyme-linked immune-sorbent assay technology. Human E-Cadherin-specific polyclonal antibodies are pre-coated onto 8 x 12 divisible strips. The human specific detection polyclonal antibodies are biotinylated. The test samples and biotinylated detection antibodies are subsequently added to the wells and then washed with PBS or TBS buffer. Avidin-Biotin-Peroxidase Complex is added and unbound conjugates are washed away with PBS or TBS buffer. HRP substrate TMB is used to visualize HRP enzymatic reaction. TMB is catalyzed by HRP to produce a blue color product that changes into yellow after adding acidic stop solution. The intensity of yellow is proportional to the amount of mouse E-Cadherin in the sample that is captured on the strips.









96 tests








1. Berx, G.; Staes, K.; van Hengel, J.; Molemans,F.; Bussemakers, M. J. G.; van Bokhoven, A.; van Roy,F. : Cloning and characterization of the human invasion suppressor gene E-cadherin (CDH1). Genomics 26: 281-289, 1995.
2. Becker, K.-F.; Atkinson, M. J.; Reich, U.; Becker, I.; Nekarda, H.; Siewert, J. R.; Hoefler, H. : E-Cadherin gene mutations provide clues to diffuse type gastric carcinomas. Cancer Res. 54: 3845-3852, 1994.
3. Batlle, E.; Sancho, E.;Franci, C.; Dominguez, D.; Monfar, M.; Baulida, J.; Garcia de Herreros, A. : The transitionFactor Snail is a repressor of E-cadherin gene expression in epithelial tumour cells. Nature Cell Biol. 2: 84-89, 2000.

       1. Berx, G.; Staes, K.; van Hengel, J.; Molemans,F.; Bussemakers, M. J. G.; van Bokhoven, A.; van Roy,F. : Cloning and characterization of the human invasion suppressor gene E-cadherin (CDH1). Genomics 26: 281-289, 1995.

       2. Becker, K.-F.; Atkinson, M. J.; Reich, U.; Becker, I.; Nekarda, H.; Siewert, J. R.; Hoefler, H. : E-Cadherin gene mutations provide clues to diffuse type gastric carcinomas. Cancer Res. 54: 3845-3852, 1994.

       3. Batlle, E.; Sancho, E.;Franci, C.; Dominguez, D.; Monfar, M.; Baulida, J.; Garcia de Herreros, A. : The transitionFactor Snail is a repressor of E-cadherin gene expression in epithelial tumour cells. Nature Cell Biol. 2: 84-89, 2000.

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