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英文名:Mouse Renal Tubular Epithelial Cells
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小鼠肾小管上皮细胞  描述:


来自sciencell的MRPTEpiC是从出生后第2天的小鼠肾脏中分离出来的。MRPTEpiC在第一通道冷冻保存并冷冻交付。每小瓶容量大于5 x 10^5细胞。MRPTEpiC的特点是免疫荧光抗体特异性细胞角蛋白-18、-19和波形蛋白。MRPTEpiC对支原体、细菌、酵母和真菌呈阴性。MRPTEpiC保证在sciencell提供的条件下继续培养,但由于继代培养后扩张能力和衰老有限,不推荐用于长期培养。

货号 M4100
产地 美国
缩写 MRTEpiC
规格 5 x 10^5 cells/vial
用途 科研
运输 干冰
保存 液氮
[1] van Kooten, C., van der Linde, X., Woltman, A. M., van Es, L. A. and Daha, M. R. (1999) Synergistic effect of interleukin-1 and CD40L on the activation of human renal tubular epithelial cells. Kidney Int 56(1):41-51. 
[2]Schmouder, R. L., Strieter, R. M., Wiggins, R. C., Chensue, S. W. and Kunkel, S. L. (1992 ) In vitro and in vivo interleukin-8 production in human renal cortical epithelia. Kidney Int 41(1):191-8. 
[3] Wuthrich, R. P., Glimcher, L. H., Yui, M. A., Jevnikar, A. M., Dumas, S. E. and Kelley, V. E. (1990) MHC class II, antigen presentation and tumor necrosis factor in renal tubular epithelial cells. Kidney Int 37(2):783-92.
Recommended Medium
It is recommended to use Epithelial Cell Medium-animal (EpiCM-a, Cat. No. 4131) for expanding MRPTEpiC in vitro.

Product Use
MRPTEpiC are for research use only. It is not approved for human or animal use, or for application in in vitro diagnostic procedures.
公司简介 / Company profile
Shanghai Zhong Qiao Xin Zhou Biotechnology Co.,Ltd.
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