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英文名:Human Epidermal Melanocytes-light
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       人黑色素细胞是神经嵴衍生细胞,位于人的某些器官,如皮肤、眼睛、内耳和软脑膜。黑色素细胞不能向这些器官的移动,可以解释先天性皮肤白斑(斑驳病)跟虹膜异色(不同颜色并置)之间的关系以及Waardenburg综合征的先天性耳聋。皮肤黑色素细胞合成并转运黑色素到周围的角质细胞,使皮肤有色素沉积以保护皮肤对抗阳光辐射。随着新的细胞培养技术和改良的培养方法,在成功培养这类细胞在纯种群时,发现了新型的黑色素细胞基因——msgl, 它能编码一种与色素沉着相关的核蛋白。     



配套培养基: 黑色素细胞培养基(MelM, Cat. No. 2201

货号 2200
产地 美国
缩写 HEM-l
规格 5x10^5cells/vial 
用途 科研
运输 干冰
保存 液氮
1.) Adini I, Ghosh K, Adini A, Chi ZL, Yoshimura T, Benny O, Connor KM, Rogers MS, Bazinet L, Birsner AE, Bielenberg DR, D'Amato RJ."Melanocyte-secreted fibromodulin promotes an angiogenic microenvironment." 2014 Jan;124(1):425-36. doi: 10.1172/JCI69404. Epub 2013 Dec 20.

2.) Yang J, Bill MA, Young GS, La Perle K, Landesman Y, Shacham S, Kauffman M, Senapedis W, Kashyap T, Saint-Martin JR, Kendra K, Lesinski GB. (2014) 'Novel Small Molecule XPO1/CRM1 Inhibitors Induce Nuclear Accumulation of TP53, Phosphorylated MAPK and Apoptosis in Human Melanoma Cells.'

 3.) Yang J, Bill MA, Young GS, La Perle K, Landesman Y, Shacham S, Kauffman M, Senapedis W, Kashyap T, Saint-Martin JR, Kendra K, Lesinski GB. (2014) "Novel Small Molecule XPO1/CRM1 Inhibitors Induce Nuclear Accumulation of TP53, Phosphorylated MAPK and Apoptosis in Human Melanoma Cells." PloS one. 9: e102983.

4.) Li JL, Mazar J, Zhong C, Faulkner GJ, Govindarajan SS, Zhang Z,Dinger ME, Meredith G, Adams C, Zhang S, Mattick JS, Ray A, Perera RJ (2013) 'Genome-wide methylated CpG island profiles of melanoma cells reveal a melanoma coregulation network.'

5.) Li JL, Mazar J, Zhong C, Faulkner GJ, Govindarajan SS, Zhang Z,Dinger ME, Meredith G, Adams C, Zhang S, Mattick JS, Ray A, Perera RJ (2013) "Genome-wide methylated CpG island profiles of melanoma cells reveal a melanoma coregulation network." . 3.

6.) Mazar J, DeYoung K, Khaitan D, Meister E, Almodovar A, Goydos J, Ray A, Perera RJ. (2010) "The regulation of miRNA-211 expression and its role in melanoma cell invasiveness." PLoS One. 5: e13779.

7.) Savaraj N, You M, Wu C, Wangpaichitr M, Kuo MT, Feun LG. (2010) "Arginine deprivation, autophagy, apoptosis (AAA) for the treatment of melanoma." Curr Mol Med. 10: 405-12.

8.) Doudican N, Rodriguez A, Osman I, Orlow SJ. (2008) "Mebendazole induces apoptosis via Bcl-2 inactivation in chemoresistant melanoma cells." Mol Cancer Res. 6: 1308-15. 

9.) Palmer MB, Majumder P, Green MR, Wade PA, Boss JM. (2007) "A 3' Enhancer Controls Snail Expression in Melanoma Cells." Cancer Res. 67: 6113-20.

10.) May KM, Vogt A, Bachas LG, Anderson KW. (2005) "Vascular endothelial growth factor as a biomarker for the early detection of cancer using a whole cell-based biosensor." Anal Bioanal Chem. 382: 1010-6.
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