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英文名:Human Renal Glomerular Endothelial Cells
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       人肾小球内皮细胞(HRGEC)提取于人肾组织,原代冻存。每管含有细胞数>5×105 cells/ml,此细胞通过vWF/Factor VIII 和CD31 (P-CAM)免疫荧光染色验证,经测试不含有HIV-1、HBV、HCV、支原体、细菌、酵母和真菌。



货号 4000
产地 美国
规格 5 x 10^5 cells/vial
用途 科研
运输 干冰
保存 液氮
1.) Guo W, Ding J, Zhang A, Dai W, Liu S, Diao Z, Wang L, Han X, Liu W. (2014) "The Inhibitory Effect of Quercetin on Asymmetric Dimethylarginine-Induced Apoptosis Is Mediated by the Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Pathway in Glomerular Endothelial Cells." Int j mol sci. 15: 484-503.

2.) Park SW, Kim M, Chen SW, Brown KM, D'Agati VD, Lee HT. (2010) "Sphinganine-1-phosphate protects kidney and liver after hepatic ischemia and reperfusion in mice through S1P1 receptor activation." Lab Invest. 90: 1209-24.

3.) Zupancic ML, Frieman M, Smith D, Alvarez RA, Cummings RD, Cormack BP. (2008) "Glycan microarray analysis of Candida glabrata adhesin ligand specificity." Mol Microbiol. 68: 547-59. 

4.) Advani A, Kelly DJ, Advani SL, Cox AJ, Thai K, Zhang Y, White KE, Gow RM, Marshall SM, Steer BM, Marsden PA, Rakoczy PE, Gilbert RE. (2007) "Role of VEGF in maintaining renal structure and function under normotensive and hypertensive conditions." Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 104: 14448-53.

5.) Nangaku, M., Shankland, S. J., Couser, W. G. and Johnson, R. J. (1998) A new model of renal microvascular injury. Curr Opin Nephrol Hypertens 7(4):457-62. 

6.) Kester, M., Nowinski, R. J., Holthofer, H., Marsden, P. A. and Dunn, M. J. (1994) Characterization of platelet-activating factor synthesis in glomerular endothelial cell lines. Kidney Int 46(5):1404-12.
7.) Lee, L. K., Meyer, T. W., Pollock, A. S. and Lovett, D. H. (1995) Endothelial cell injury initiates glomerular sclerosis in the rat remnant kidney. J Clin Invest 96(2):953-64.
8.) Yamanaka, N. and Shimizu, A. (1999) Role of glomerular endothelial damage in progressive renal disease. Kidney Blood Press Res 22(1-2):13-20.


We bought a tube of Human Renal Glomerular Endothelial Cells (cat#4000) recently. I started culture immediately after receiving the tube. I started with two T75 and they were confluent the next day. I split them 1:3 and then another 1:3 split. Then I ran flow to test the suface marker and found less than 50% of the cells were CD31+. I can send my flow data for your reference. Do you have any explanation for this? The cells were not pure or they quickly lost endothelial phenotype upon culturing. I can’t use these cells with less than 50% positive for CD31 and this was only passage 3-4. Could you send another tube for me to test?


Hi Jing

All of the cells provided by ScienCell are primary cells, not immortalized cell lines. It is highly recommended to use the primary cells at early passages without expanding and passaging the cells too much, especially for endothelial cells, since they are very sensitive and fragile. P3 or P4 is already considered as late passages for primary endothelial cells. It is not possible to get 100% pure population for primary cells. There may be ~2% fibroblasts in the endothelial cell culture. Endothelial cells may be damaged during each subculture if not handled with care, so fibroblasts would grow out eventually. (If we can have the lot number of #4000 that this customer received, I can send QC test result to him/her to show the purity of the cells). 

thanks for your interest


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