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英文名:Human Mammary Fibroblasts
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      ScienCell研究实验室提取出的人类乳腺成纤维细胞,每个瓶包含> 5×10 ^ 5细胞1毫升容量。该细胞可以用纤连蛋白抗体,CD90和波形蛋白检测到。该细胞不含乙肝病毒、丙肝病毒、支原体、细菌、酵母和真菌。


货号 7630
产地 美国
缩写 HMF
规格 5 x 10^5 cells/vial
用途 液氮
运输 干冰
保存 液氮
1.) Choi, Y., Hyun, E., Seo, J., Blundell, C., Kim, H.C., Lee, E., Lee, S., Moon, A., Moon, W.K. & Huh, D. (2015) A microengineered pathophysiological model of early-stage breast cancer Lab Chip. 15

2.) Dhimolea E, Maffini MV, Soto AM, Sonnenschein C. (2010) "The role of collagen reorganization on mammary epithelial morphogenesis in a 3D culture model."Biomaterials. 31: 3622-30.

3.) Krause S, Maffini MV, Soto AM, Sonnenschein C. (2010) "The microenvironment determines the breast cancer cells' phenotype: organization of MCF7 cells in 3D cultures."BMC Cancer. 10: 263.

4.) Wang X, Sun L, Maffini MV, Soto A, Sonnenschein C, Kaplan DL. (2010) "A complex 3D human tissue culture system based on mammary stromal cells and silk scaffolds for modeling breast morphogenesis and function." Biomaterials. 31: 3920-9. 

5.)Mesenchymal stem/stromal cell engulfment reveals metastatic advantage in breast cancer,Cell Rep. 2019 Jun 25; 27(13): 3916–3926.e5.doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2019.05.084

6.)Tumor‐stroma interactions differentially alter drug sensitivity based on the origin of stromal cells,Mol Syst Biol. 2018 Aug; 14(8): e8322.Published online 2018 Aug 6. doi: 10.15252/msb.20188322

Dear Sir, I would like to ask few questions. 1. What is the maximum passage number I can subculture the cells to, such that there is no significant genotypic or phenotypic change compared to cells at passage 0 as I received initially? 2. Is there a possibility to mix the cells from 3 donors into one vial with total cells of let say about 1 million cells/vial? Thank you very much for your time and attention. Would like to hear from you. Best regards, Aurino

Posted by Manoj Sharma on Monday, August 17, 2015
As stated in the product sheet, Human Mammary Fibroblasts are guaranteed to expand for 15 population doublings under the conditions provided. Please note that population doubling is not the same as passage number – for help, please see our Frequently Asked Questions section under Technical Resources. We do not have quantitative data measuring phenotypic or genetic changes over passage number. Unfortunately, each lot of cells is derived from one donor, so we cannot provide one vial of cells pooled from multiple donors. However, customers can request vials from different donors when purchasing more than one vial.
Please reply here if you have further questions
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