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Amelogenin: X
CSF1PO: 11,12
D13S317: 8,13
D16S539: 11
D5S818: 11,12
D7S820: 10,12
TH01: 9.3
vWA: 15,18
D3S1358: 14
D18S51: 13,16
Penta_E: 10,13
Penta_D: 12,13
D8S1179: 11,13
FGA: 19,20
D19S433: 13,14
D2S1338: 16,21
D21S11: 29,30.2
D18S51: 13,16 










90%DMEM高糖(品牌:中乔新舟 货号:ZQ-100)+10%FBS(品牌:中乔新舟 货号:ZQ500-A)+1%双抗(中乔新舟  货号:CSP006
















活细胞:T25培养瓶*1瓶或者1ml 冻存管*1支(细胞量约为5 x 10^5 cells/vial)二选一









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