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英文名:Human Intrahepatic Biliary Epithelial Cells
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       人肝内胆管上皮细胞(HIBEpiC)提取于人肝脏组织,于原代末期冻存。每管含有细胞数>5×105 cells/ml,此细胞通过Cytokeratin-18, -19 and Vimentin免疫荧光染色验证,经测试不含有HIV-1、HBV、HCV、支原体、细菌、酵母和真菌。细胞可以达到15倍增。

推荐培养基:上皮细胞培养基(EpiCM, Cat. No. 4101)


货号 5100
产地 美国
缩写 HIBEpiC
规格 5 x 10^5 cells/vial
用途 科研
运输 干冰
保存 液氮

1.) 2014 Oct;60(4):1314-23. doi: 10.1002/hep.27230. Epub 2014 Jul 31. "Shotgun proteomics: identification of unique protein profiles of apoptotic bodies from biliary epithelial cells." Lleo A1, Zhang W, McDonald WH, Seeley EH, Leung PS, Coppel RL, Ansari AA, Adams DH, Afford S, Invernizzi P, Gershwin ME.

2.) Gastroenterology. 2014 Jun;146(7):1795-808.e12. doi: 10.1053/j.gastro.2014.02.030. Epub 2014 Feb 25. "Secretin stimulates biliary cell proliferation by regulating expression of microRNA 125b and microRNA let7a in mice." Glaser S1, Meng F2, Han Y3, Onori P4, Chow BK5, Francis H2, Venter J3, McDaniel K6, Marzioni M7, Invernizzi P8, Ueno Y9, Lai JM10, Huang L10, Standeford H6, Alvaro D11, Gaudio E4, Franchitto A12, Alpini G13.

3.) Clin Exp Immunol. 2013 Apr;172(1):95-103. doi: 10.1111/cei.12046. "Human intrahepatic biliary epithelial cells engulf blebs from their apoptotic peers." Rong GH1, Yang GX, Ando Y, Zhang W, He XS, Leung PS, Coppel RL, Ansari AA, Zhong R, Gershwin ME.

4.) Biomed Res Int. 2013;2013:165715. doi: 10.1155/2013/165715. Epub 2013 Aug 20. "LPS increases MUC5AC by TACE/TGF-?/EGFR pathway in human intrahepatic biliary epithelial cell." Liu Z1, Tian F, Feng X, He Y, Jiang P, Li J, Guo F, Zhao X, Chang H, Wang S.

5.) PLoS One. 2013 Jul 26;8(7):e69496. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0069496. Print 2013. "MiR-376c down-regulation accelerates EGF-dependent migration by targeting GRB2 in the HuCCT1 human intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma cell line." Iwaki J1, Kikuchi K, Mizuguchi Y, Kawahigashi Y, Yoshida H, Uchida E, Takizawa T.

6.) Am J Pathol. 2012 Sep;181(3):804-17. doi: 10.1016/j.ajpath.2012.06.010. Epub 2012 Jul 25. "Epigenetic regulation of miR-34a expression in alcoholic liver injury." Meng F1, Glaser SS, Francis H, Yang F, Han Y, Stokes A, Staloch D, McCarra J, Liu J, Venter J, Zhao H, Liu X, Francis T, Swendsen S, Liu CG, Tsukamoto H, Alpini G.

7.) Hepatology. 2012 Jan;55(1):209-21. doi: 10.1002/hep.24673. "Role of stem cell factor and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor in remodeling during liver regeneration." Meng F1, Francis H, Glaser S, Han Y, DeMorrow S, Stokes A, Staloch D, Venter J, White M, Ueno Y, Reid LM, Alpini G.

8.) Hepatology. 2011 Jul;54(1):196-203. doi: 10.1002/hep.24355. "Epithelial cell specificity and apotope recognition by serum autoantibodies in primary biliary cirrhosis." Rong G1, Zhong R, Lleo A, Leung PS, Bowlus CL, Yang GX, Yang CY, Coppel RL, Ansari AA, Cuebas DA, Worman HJ, Invernizzi P, Gores GJ, Norman G, He XS, Gershwin ME.

9.) Hepatology. 2009 Mar;49(3):871-9. doi: 10.1002/hep.22736. "Apotopes and the biliary specificity of primary biliary cirrhosis." Lleo A1, Selmi C, Invernizzi P, Podda M, Coppel RL, Mackay IR, Gores GJ, Ansari AA, Van de Water J, Gershwin ME.

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